About Us


BUILTR.IO is the first product to come out of BUILTR LABS, a company dedicated to technology experimentation and innovation in the built environment. We introduce the new innovative technologies, companies and exceptional people that are changing our world for the better. We facilitate conversations about how to improve the built world we live in. BUILTR is the voice of innovation for the built environment.

BUILTR DAILYBUILTR DAILY – Today’s Top Innovation for the Built Environment

The BUILTR DAILY  is a daily email newsletter featuring the day’s top innovation stories for the built environment. It is the essential source for breaking news and innovation from around the web. It is automatically sent to your inbox every weekday so you don’t have to go searching for the top stories.

To sign up for your BUILTR DAILY newsletter click here.

BUILTR FEEDBUILTR FEED – Top AEC Innovation Stories in the News

BUILTR FEED was created to inform, inspire and educate professionals who are designing and building our future environment. We scour the web for all the breaking stories of innovation in the built environment from traditional news sources and social media and post only the best stories on innovation. We are the single source of information on innovation for the built environment.

BUILTR INSIGHTSBUILTR INSIGHTS –  BUILTR Stories on Built Environment Innovation

BUILTR INSIGHTS are original articles written through the voice of innovation for the built environment. We are writing articles about the innovative technology breakthroughs from existing companies that and the new startups who nobody knows, yet have the potential to revolutionize the industry. It includes interviews, podcasts and coverage from industry events.



We’re a team of young and “experienced” professionals with a passion for introducing technology into the built environment. We believe the traditional media outlets in AEC are not serving the needs of the next generation AEC professionals who have an insatiable appetite for information. People want current information faster and presented in a manner that is easy to skim or dive into for the complete story. We are excited about the possibilities that exist right now for the future of the AEC industry – and we want you to join us in conversations and in sharing our industry’s top content.


One Response to About Us

  1. BUILTR LABS Introduces BUILTR.IO, a New Platform Providing Daily Coverage of Innovation in Architecture, Engineering & Construction - Press Release Rocket says:

    […] BUILTR LABS introduces BUILTR.IO, a unique source of innovation for next-generation AECO professionals. BUILTR.IO was created to inform, inspire and educate young AECO leaders who are designing, building and maintaining the world we live in, now and in the future. […]



Jessica Gracey

Interior Designer – Gensler

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